Here is the rundown of the trip...
"Grant kept calling Crystal "Mim" instead of Grammy so we went with that. There was lots of reading time!
Lots of playing time
Here Grant is opening his Easter present from Grandma and Grandpa Skelton. He loves to play catch now. He will just look at you and say "CATCH!" without any preparation and chuck the ball right at you. He has a really good arm too.
The boys making breakfast
We went to the zoo one day and Grant insisted on wearing two hats, one of which wasn't even his!
At the zoo. It ended up being a really nice sunny day and we saw lots of animals. Thanks again for taking us!
I had to take a picture of this... you can't really tell, but the snake guy was telling us how the snakes are harmless and you just have to know how to handle them, BUT he was missing three fingers!!! haha
Lunch break
He had to hug each one of the poles at the entrance
the monkey loved Grant. It was pretty much ignoring everyone, but totally came up and looked right at Grant and they even put their hands together on the glass. Kinda cool
More playing
Easter Dinner
We went to the park
We saw Lake Erie. It was really sunny, so not great pictures of anyone
Grant hates the sun, so this was the best one of us. I like how you can see downtown Cleveland in the background though.
We toured Cameron's hospital and even got to go to the floor he works on. Everyone raved about him and said how much they like working with him... not a surprise!
Had dinner in Little Italy
It was so fun to have them here over Easter too. Here is Grant finding his basket before church. It just had two different bouncy balls and some peeps. He LOVED the balls.
church outfit

Mimi and Papa gave him a children's scripture reader. It is awesome.
After church we did a little egg hunt. It was fun seeing Grant slowly understand what he was supposed to do, then he got really into it!
Everyone clapping for Grant's successful egg hunting
this was just after taking Mimi and Papa to the airport. He was definitely tired out by all the fun we had!
We had SO much fun and can't wait till they get to come back!