Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sprint Triathlon

This event has been in the works for quite some time now. At the beginning of January my friend Jill asked if I wanted to do a triathlon with her. She promised it would be short and it wouldn't be until September so we had plenty of time to train. We both wanted to do something different and to have some bigger goal to work towards, so this was perfect. At the time I could not run for five minutes let alone the 2 miles we would need to do for the tri. I was not even going to think about how the two miles of running would be AFTER I just swam 250 yards and biked 7 miles. And I couldn't even think about the swimming. I am NOT a swimmer and don't really enjoy swimming, so even thinking of training for this part did not sound fun. But after months and months of training and getting into shape(and remembering how much I love running), I pulled it off last Saturday. And I have to say... It was SO fun! I definitely want to do more of these. The one we did was a Race for The Cure, so it was all women and it wasn't super competitive, which was perfect! I did way better than I thought I would time-wise and I definitely kicked butt in the running. I caught up with and/or passed tons of people that had been ahead of me since the swimming at the very beginning. I had a blast and will definitely be doing this again.

Waiting in line to start the swim/race

The 1st transition-putting on clothes over swimming stuff, putting on socks and shoes and helmet and getting on the bike!

coming in after the biking

starting the run


Someone asked me the other day how the triathlon went and my friends mom,( who was at the tri) jumped in and said "well she was smiling pretty big as she crossed the finish line". That totally describes how it was for me. It was a blast and even though it was challenging in some spots, it was super fun and I'm glad I had awesome friends to do it with me.

Just after crossing the finish line

Shay, me and Jill. Thanks for making me do it girls!

My favorite cheerleaders! It was seriously SO nice seeing Grant and Cameron on the side of whatever part I was at, and hearing them cheer me on. It gave me boosts of motivation just when I needed them.